The Cliffden’s Hotel Gardens
The Garden, The Pond and Beyond
The Cliffden is set in 7 acres of beautiful gardens that offer a different view, mood and impression as the year moves through it’s seasons. The pond is a substantial water feature at the centre of the gardens, which you are welcome to enjoy from several view points within the hotel’s vast grounds. The pond offers the opportunity to sit back, relax, and enjoy the natural beauty that the hotel has to offer.
You will find a number of statues dotted around in the hotel garden. Originally conceived as the guardians of the Garden of Eden, cherubs have enjoyed a long-standing affinity with gardens throughout history. It is therefore appropriate that the Cliffden has several stone cherubs in residence on its grounds to protect the Edenic surroundings of the hotel’s vast gardens.
The Garden House
Built in the Cliffden’s extensive gardens in 1937, the Garden House is Roderick Mules’ homage to the Canadian architecture he encountered during the early part of the twentieth century. Constructed of cedar wood with a cedar shingle roof, the distinctive scent of the wood remains strong and evocative over eight decades after its construction.
Over the years the Garden House had a number of uses, from a wedding venue to an outdoor cinema. Stroll down along our garden paths and explore its beauty for yourself.
“When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden. ”